The Essential Traveller's Handbook

Heeyyyyyyyyy minions! sup? and welcome to another non-eventful (NOT.) blog-post. Before we go any further, i feel the urge to tell all those obligated to read this blog,not to feel the way they do ;P READ AT YOUR EXPENSE. i will say this however, i can assure you that hopefully you won't be too disappointed. so what's on today's agenda you ask? well I've been travelling this whole week and i'm about to embark on yet another week-long college trip to Rajasthan (a state in my ginormous country - India) and so I've thought long and hard and decided to jot down my top 7 reasons why you should NOT travel at all. WHY YOU SHOULDN'T TRAVEL #1 packing up EVERYTHING ... and still feeling you've forgotten something. when i left home last friday i was sure something was amiss. i couldn't sleep well and the non-closure was killing me. So if you can't pack, your Vaca deserves a wack (i tried hard to come up with that xD) #...