'Tis Sorcery!

Hello everyone, My IB english Lit. class sought from me, an analysis of the dramatic elements from Act-1 of Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" - a haunting tale based off of the Salem Witch Trials that happened in Massachusetts in 1692-93. I was late going about it, but an analysis they shall receive! Surprising as it may be, I wasn't completely enamored by the prospect of delving into witchcraft and sorcery in the late 17th century (I fear I am an ignorant old soul and the devil does me no good) Oddly enough though after reading through Act-1 of the play and watching a live theater performance of the same at the Old Vic in London online (directed by Ya ël Farber, 2014) I am totally and utterly be witched *puns always painstakingly intended* All in all, this first half proved to have a very "Exorcist" vibe. waaaay creepy. waaay spooky. very in season with Halloween. Give it a read/watch if your sick of age-old horror films and have a thing for poss...