
[Some context: This was a post that I wrote in late-February this year. I sat on it for over 8 months and finally decided to post it today. I think it's interesting looking back at a snapshot of my mind 8 months ago and seeing if I persevered in all my endeavours (*hint* not really I'm still working on it). With that being said, enjoy my unfiltered brain.] I'm home. I'm home at long last. 5 month's of adapting, molding and changing to fit university life has taken its toll. I'm on spring break and I am happy to be home. I am flattered to feel my mom's cheeks flush when she hugs me at the airport. I love seeing my sisters eyes light up at the sour candy I brought home. It has only been a week, but a week at home is an infinity unto itself; my mind is racing a million miles an hour and stationary all at once- I've never felt anything quite like it. But this is cathartic, and so here I am: stumbling to find the right words but hoping a sp...