A Quick Update...

Hello world! (Adopting a new catch-phrase henceforth. It's 2018. Don't ask.) A new year is upon us! And it seems to have renewed my desire to blog again. I'm not going to apologize for my lackluster track record of blogging these past few months because the IB has consumed me whole (and if you don't know what the IB stands for, consider yourself generously bestowed with time, friends and a will to live.) Here's what I'm catching you up on- life. Well, life as it stands now. Things that tickle my funny bone and music that makes me believe I'm hipster. So life wise, I'm in my final quarter of my high school experience. The finish line is close, but spirits are dwindling and hanging on by a thread. Utilitarianism is a quandary, and the pursuit of Differential equations seem futile. But other than that life is dandy. I've been accepted to a university in Japan, halfway across the globe from where I am now, in a small town in the southern island ...