
Showing posts from March, 2016

NEWton's Theory Of Embracing New Stuff.

hey! hello MLM's :) welcome to another much anticipated edition of Everyday Epiphanies. I know I'm probably the laziest bum when it comes to blogging frequently. Pardon. desolé! Lets jump straight into it shall we? Fun Fact #1 - It's going to be exactly one year since I started this blog tomorrow! Fun Fact #2 - I'm about to shift home base from Mumbai to a whole new country :0 Fun Fact #3 - Today is said to be the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC  Why the odd haphazard, seemingly-random array of information you ask? stop gawking lass :0  If you happen to be intelligent like me ( and I hope for your sake you are :p) you'll find that all three events are linked in more ways than one. For example, take  #1 .... Me and this silly old blog turning a whole 1 year together *Cue Confetti and Thunderous Applause*  ... yes yes. I'M A BLOOMIN' GENIUS. we all know that. DUH. heck, so are you guys! On a more serious note, t...