The Bro-Zone

Hey! hello and welcome to my world where I make fun happen ( in the best way possible!) So since we've all just celebrated Valentine's day yesterday I figured we'll just stick along the lines of something like that now shall we? xD So here's what I think. and this is just a personal stand-point mind you~ VALENTINE'S DAY IS HIGHLY OVERRATED (and I'm sure most of you will agree with me) I think it's also worth mentioning at this point that I am singularly the most SINGLE person one could ever be at the moment. but no worries. we're all going to die alone ..together. HUZZAH! Also, after years and years of intense observation and research I have come to conclude that most of us fall prey to the dreadful "Bro-zone" (also known as the female version of the friend "Friend-Zone") right around the time that Va l entine's day draws near. It has been speculated that women do not end up in the friend zo...