
It's 3:00 pm on a Wednesday. Wednesdays are a breaking point for most people because it's only two days into a week and two days away from the weekend. Not for me though. Wednesdays are when I'm left musing to myself. I'm lying in bed staring up at a wall plastered with polaroids to my left and fairy lights strung up overhead. I'm listening to an obscure indie Nepali artist croon in surround sound and I've drawn the curtains shut. I've deliberated slipping under the sheets but I just did some spring cleaning and I'd hate to crinkle the blue bed spread. I think my cacti need to be watered but they're desert plants so I figure if they've lived thus far, they should be alright. I made Aloo Gobi for lunch and it reminds me of home and mum telling me I'd inevitably have to cook someday whether I like it or not. I need to wash the dishes and wipe down the sink but the winter chill has always contributed to my laziness so instead I f...